"This awesome tool helped me get more high net worth clients"  
- Erin Emnett
Ideal Client Capture Cheat Sheet...
7 Pivotal Questions To Convert Prospects Into Clients In The FIRST Meeting
You Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.
This Is A "Must Have" For Women Entrepreneurs!
What this tool will teach you:
How to convert prospects into clients in the first meeting. Specifically, you will learn the 7 Pivotal Questions You MUST Ask, so you don't waste time or chase prospects away. 

This 7 page cheat sheet goes through each questions and includes an in-depth explanation of their importance and how they will help your clients get a ton of value during this meeting. 
You won't see anything like this taught in the industry.
But don't worry, I have used this myself to make $100K/m and I've tested it with all my financial professional clients... THIS REALLY WORKS!
This is designed for women!
Finally, an invaluable business tool that is totally customized for women and specifically for the financial industry. 
*This is greatly in this overly male-dominated marketplace...
This Will Help You:
  • Ask the RIGHT questions, so your prospects are motivated and READY TO HIRE YOU in the first meeting.
  • Turn a sales conversation into a TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE, so prospects WANT TO BUY from you but don't feel like they're being SOLD.
  • OPTIMIZE your initial conversation with prospects, so that they TRUST you and give ALL of their business to you.
  • Empower prospects who are DISTRACTED by things like FEES and MARKET PERFORMANCE to focus on building wealth and achieving their financial goals.
  • Have engaging, meaningful conversations with anyone, anywhere so you become masterful at ATTRACTING & CLOSING NEW CLIENTS.
  • Give prospects so much value in the first 30 minutes that they become LOYAL FANS and LIFE-LONG CLIENTS and your best REFERRAL source, even if they don't become clients! 
"In the past, I was doing financial plans for free, thinking I shouldn't charge clients if I'm getting paid for money management. After learning Robyn's system, I knew I deserved to get paid! I followed the steps and closed a $2,000 financial plan, just like that!

In the last 6 months, I've increased my income by 25%!"

-Kathleen Owings, CFP®
Would you like to get more Ideal Clients and make a bigger difference?
About The Author:
Robyn Crane, CFP®
Business Growth Expert for Female Financial Professionals
Money and Business Growth Expert, Robyn Crane is the host of the TV show, The Financial G-Spot, the radio show, Let’s Talk Money and #1 International Best Selling Author of Mind Over Money Management. Her blueprint for financial and business success has been featured on Fox Business News, The Motley Fool and SavingsAccount.com. 

She’s an engaging and in-demand speaker who is regularly invited to speak at companies, women’s conferences, chambers of commerce, entrepreneurial groups and various types of organizations around the country.

With a background as a Certified Financial Planner Practitioner, Robyn specializes in helping financial professionals give their clients transformational value so become raving fans and lifetime clients. Through her proprietary financial management and business growth systems, Robyn helps these women attract ideal clients, become known as the expert in their field and increase their income so they can make an even greater impact. 
  • Robyn uses a super smooth sales process, that adds a ton of value. She is focused on how it will help you, even if you don't work with her. As a past prospect of Robyn's I can truly say, that she genuinely was discovering if there was a fit, not trying to sell me. And as you probably guessed, I hired and my income just keeps going up!
- Brie Sodano, 
Financial Advisor @ Lux Financial
  • “I increased my commissions by $3500 a month after applying just one of Robyn’s strategies! Then I landed a $5 Million Dollar account, bringing in another $8K/m in revenue!”
- Mary Beth Fanelli, 
Financial Advisor @ Wells Fargo
Brie Sodano, Financial Advisor
Increased income by 4X since learning this system!
Michelle Quay, CFP® 
Closed A $900K Fee-Based Account - In The First Meeting!
Jen B., CFP®
For The First Time Ever, She Got Paid For Her Sales Conversation - OVER-AND-OVER!
Click To Download:
- Megan Feulner-Hauser
Financial Advisor @ Merrill Lynch

“Robyn provides a plan and process that’s not available in the industry! After learning Robyn's sales system, I netted $9K in LTC policies and secured a $400K rollover.”
- Megan Feulner-Hauser
Financial Advisor @ Edward Jones

“I work in a predominantly male dominated industry. It's awesome to get new ideas that are new and fresh and pertinent to our industry. 

I was able to gather $1 Million Dollars of NEW Assets Under Management!”
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